W.O. Wanyanga
Pharmacists, Kenya
W.O. Wanyanga is a pharmacist in Kenya with long experience in formulation of public pharmacy policy and administration, supply management, pharmaceutical manufacturing and quality assurance and regional policy reviews and harmonization. He is past chairman of the Pharmaceutical Society of Kenya and participated in many local and international fora of discussing access of quality medicines and supporting pharmaceutical local manufacturing and change systems in the profession including membership to various Boards of management, professional body and regional activities. He is a pioneer member of the Board Federation of African Pharmaceutical Association (FAPMA) a continental organization of African-based manufacturers committed to developing the industry to meet Africa’s need for affordable quality medicines.
W.O. Wanyanga has a key interest in the development of Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and the Strengthening of the Local Pharmaceutical Manufacturing sector. His most outstanding contribution working with UNIDO as National coordinator part of team developing policy and strategy documents alongside the GMP Roadmap in Kenya. Recent interventions include working with other experts Audits in afCTA and SADC region in capacity building in GMP in ARV value chain and the Status of Local Manufacturing of ARVs for PLHIV in Kenya.